The Village Hall Committee has created a dedicated email list to use as a speedy method of letting you know about future village events. If you were not on the old Community Action Group list and want to be included on the proposed new list or would like to know more please email:
All data protection protocols will be observed and your details will not be released without your authorisation. Village Hall Committee (Communications)
Village quiz. Monday 1st July and 5th August at 8.00 pm. Bring your own drinks, and nibbles. Please, register your team by contacting Paul at 07850 636658. (Every first Monday of the month).
Village lunch. Suspended until September
Games night Monday 29th July.
Coffee morning and book swap. Wednesday 17th July and 21st August - anytime between 10.00 to 12.00. New books and new cakes including gluten-free options. Meeting room.
All village hall booking enquiries to Tracey: 07817 713138 or email